Our team of consultants are dedicated to creating and customizing solutions that are specific to each clients needs.
Performance Management
The Case: A large urban university
The Challenge: Evaluate the effectiveness of a performance management process targeted for system-wide implementation.
The Duren Approach: We designed an assessment process that included interviews, focus groups and an online survey. We also conducted best practices research regarding performance systems within university settings; mapped the pilot process to determine the barriers to implementation and provided recommendations to support overall implementation success.
Diversity Awareness
The Case: A university health system
The Challenge: Assess the organizational needs and design a diversity training series for the leadership; conduct quarterly assessments to determine how learning from the training process were transferred back to the workplace.
The Duren Approach: We designed an assessment process to determine the level of diversity knowledge being transferred into the organization. The courses included diversity awareness, recruiting, conflict management and performance management. Improvements were made based upon findings. The four courses were integrated into the leadership development training series.
Team Building
The Case: Inner-city and rural school systems
The Challenge: Many schools were experiencing significant changes in the student body populations resulting in conflicts, service concerns and a reduced focus on student achievement. We designed interactive seminars and workshops to support building team communication, vision clarity and team effectiveness.
The Duren Approach: We conducted multiple sessions focused on understanding styles, creating plans for change and creating an environment focused on student achievement.